Monday, October 28, 2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Rent Versus Owning #5 Appreciation fact

Appreciation/inflation of real estate prices is the single largest 'back end' expense

renters have to pay.   Watch video and find out why....

Rent Versus Own #7 Use and Enjoyment

Use and enjoyment... some get to use the house,  some get to enjoy the

wealth, watch the video to learn more....

Rent Versus Own #4 Moving expense and time

Most folks don't see the total expenses when renters are forced to move over the

course of 12 years (typical time between moves for an owner)

Rent Versus Own #6 Tax Advantages

Tax Savings are real, even under the new tax codes.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Rent Versus Own #3 Insurance

Who really pays the Insurance on a home... and who really shops for

coverage at best price?  Watch this video and see.....

Rent Versus Own #2 Property Taxes

Renters pay property taxes, through rent.....